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Nonnie Jules

Hi, Susanne! What an awesome ending to your tour. I hope you've had fun!

Bernard, sir, thanks for an amazing close!

Susanne Leist

Thank you, Bernard, for sharing my blog tour. I just opened a Typepad account. I think I posted this page.

Wendy Scott

Hi Susanne, I'm looking forward to discussing your book on RRBC's BOTS!

Yvette M Calleiro

I've enjoyed this tour, Susanne! Thanks for hosting, Bernard. :-)

Wanda Fischer

What a great idea for a new book. Thanks for hosting Susanne, Bernard. I look forward to reading Susanne's new book.

Karen Black

Susanne, I’ve enjoyed following your blog tour. For you, I’m sure it has been an exciting week! Bernard, thank you for hosting. Your blog is always so interesting. Best wishes to you both!

Jan Sikes

Your new book sounds intriguing, Susanne! What a place for a man to die - in an ice cream parlor! Great concept and I look forward to it! I hope you've enjoyed your Spotlight Author tour. I have!

Rox Burkey

The book is on my list Susanne! Nice post Bernard, thank you.

Susanne Leist

Thank you, everyone, for joining me on my blog tour. I'm nervous about my upcoming interview. I'm more comfortable hiding behind my stories and poetry. But I'll be there. Thanks again!

Bernard Foong

It is my pleasure, Susanne to host a fellow author. All the best to your blog tour. And thank you to all who visited. :)

Flossie Benton Rogers

What a fun tour, Susanne! I enjoyed hearing about the next book you're working on. I had to chuckle at the ice cream shop part because I had just the other day written an ice cream shop scene for my current WIP, a cozy mystery. Thanks so much for hosting, Bernard.

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