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Ron Yates

Thanks for hosting me today, Bernard. It's a pleasure to be here.

Joy Lo-Bamijoko

The fun of the English language continues. Yes, it is fun to think of what it could be which it is not... Thank you, Bernard, for hosting.

Bernard Foong

Hi, Ron,
The English language is indeed a strange language but then all languages have their own quirks, clichés, idioms, etc. :)

Yvette M Calleiro

These had me cracking up! I love them. Thanks for sharing them with us today, Ron, and thanks for hosting him, Bernard. :-)

Bette Stevens

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT! Fun and thought provoking...

Wendy Scott

Wonderful examples, Ron!

Breakfield and Burkey

Ron, these are some wonderful examples about how crazy English is. But it's the only I can write in. By the way Ron, thank you for your service to this country!

Bernard I I have not visited your site before and I should have. Thanks for hosting.

Jan Sikes

A most humorous look at our convoluted English language! Thanks for the humor, Ron, and thank you, Bernard for hosting!

Bernard Foong

It is always a pleasure to host fellow RRBC and RWISA authors. Thank you for visiting my book blog site.

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