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Jack S.

Great excerpt, Robert. It definitely makes me want to read more! Can you give a little bit more context? What was Red Diver doing that got his umbilical tangled with antenna wire? I assume he wasn't playing basketball with a whiskey bottle... ;-)

Robert Williscroft

The USS Halibut with her saturation diving team had been collecting spent missile parts from the bottom of the Sea of Okhotsk. A Soviet Whiskey class submarine (diesel-powered, quiet, but needs to surface or snorkel from time-to-time to recharge its batteries) had been tracking the Halibut. The Whiskey bottomed near the Halibut location and went quiet. Mac sent one of his divers to entangle the Whiskey's propellers with whatever lay on the bottom near them. The idea was to make it appear to the Whiskey Skipper that his entanglement was just bad luck. Because of the distance to the Whiskey, Mac had to hook two umbilicals together to reach the Whiskey. Consequently, only one diver could make the approach.

Robert Williscroft

As an additional comment: The Basketball is a tethered ROV (Remote Operating Vehicle) with a B&W TV camera and two floodlights. It can be maneuvered so that operators inside the sub (the Skipper and Mac, mostly) can monitor what the divers are doing.


Sounds like the launch of a great series, Robert. Thanks for hosting Bernard!

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