Young: Hello Jessica & Briana! Nice to have you In The Harem. Tell us about your Latest Book/Book about to be released? Release Date? And can you give us a teaser?
Jessica Walsh (J.W.): Thank you for inviting me. Seeking the Storyteller is currently available on CreateSpace and will be on Amazon shortly. It’s a urban supernatural series set in the Midwest focusing on a create called “The Storyteller”, a sort of mythical being who can read your life like a book and change anything about it as simply as writing on the page.
Young: What other books/short stories have the two of you written?
J.W.: This is my first novel published. I have a short novella coming out later this year and previously I’ve had a short story published in Apex Magazine.
Briana Lawrence (B.L.): I have two books that were released by Damnation Books/Eternal Press. My first book is called “Treat Me Kindly,” which is sort of a dark, erotic thriller. My second book, “Double Hue,” is a gay romance murder mystery. I also have a handful of short stories in anthologies through Dreamspinner Press, and a holiday short that was released by them as well.
Young: Do you publish in e-book, print, or both?
J.W.: Currently the book is in print, the ebook should be ready in a month or so, due to a small delay.
B.L.: We do both, if at all possible, to have the most reach.
Young: Where can readers find your books?
J.W.: Seeking the Storyteller is on CreateSpace and will be on Amazon shortly. Otherwise we also sell signed copies (with little free bonuses) through our etsy store.
B.L.: My books can also be found at the Etsy link above for signed copies. Otherwise, Amazon has them, Barnes and Noble, and the publisher sites (Dreamspinner and Damnation Books/Eternal Press).
Young: What do you think are the biggest challenges for the type of writing that you do?
J.W.: The biggest challenge is also my favorite part: writing something that is hopefully believeable in our present time. Yes we writing about creatures that don’t exist, but it’s a real challenge to put all the believeable framework behind them, so that it’s not such a stretch to believe they could be out there.
B.L.: Exactly. With all of my works, even if they have supernatural elements at times, I want it to feel like you can see this stuff happening in the streets of Minneapolis. Maybe these creatures do exist. Maybe there is a group who sets out to hunt them down. Maybe there are underground auctions where people are bidding on rare, exotic animals (Treat Me Kindly). I want it to feel believable.
On top of that, I want my characters to feel relatable, even if they aren’t human, to the point that you forget that they’re different from us... well, until they create ice from the palm of their hand.
Young: How did you get started in writing?
J.W.: I’ve been writing for most of my life, in notebooks and on scrap pieces of paper while working and doing other things. No matter where I am, a place to write down ideas isn’t too far behind.
B.L.: Same here. I’ve been writing for as long as I can remember, but I always say “age 9” because I have a clear memory of making pop up books out of construction paper, crayons, and glue. Even when I told myself that writing would be just a hobby I would still end up with notebooks and pens, writing all sorts of stories.
Young: Where and How can readers get in touch with you?
J.W.: There’s our website We’re active on a bunch of social media sites and that site has a listing for each place you can find us.
B.L.: The main ones we’re active on, besides the website, are our cosplay pages, where we go into our costumes, our crafts, and our writing quite often. They are:
Brichibi Cosplays on Facebook:
SnowCosplays on Facebook:
Young: So with your latest work released/or being released, what comes next? What can we expect from you in the future?
J.W.: Well, I have a gay romance novella coming out through Dreamspinner Press later this year, entitled Iron Bound Kisses. And, of course, the continuation of the series for Storyteller.
B.L.: On top of editing the second book in the Storyteller series, I have my own ideas for books I want to write that have been outlined. Now I just need to sit and write them. Of course, we’ll both be promoting all of the books we have out now.
Young: How much of your personality and life experiences are in your writing?
J.W.: A lot of it actually. I live in the Midwest so I’m familiar with the landscape and culture. Plus I studied Anthropology and Religion in college, so a lot of that helps with world building and creating character motivations. As for personal experiences, there’s a few, but they’re usually very heavily buried and altered.
B.L.: It’s funny because I always think that none of it is there when I’m writing, but when I go back and read, I’ll see little things in characters that remind me of myself or my friends and family, or personal experiences. It’s not like the characters are completely me, but they’ll have little traits that definitely come from me. Jessica’s usually the one who notices this while she’s helping me edit and I have a moment where I’m like, “Oh really? Huh, I guess so!”
Young: Do you have a set schedule for writing or do you just go with the flow?
J.W.: I try to schedule a time every day for writing, but as to the progression of a book, that’s a little more with the flow. What I work on during that time depends on what I’m in the mood for and what my ‘muses’ want to do.
B.L.: I’ve tried to set a schedule, but it never seems to work out, so now I just go with the flow and listen to my muses. If they say it’s time to write, then it’s time to write. If they aren’t there, then the words aren’t going to come to me, and I can’t force them to show up. It’s nice though, because when the muses hit, they hit hard and I can write for long periods of time.
Seeking the Storyteller
Jessica Walsh & Briana Lawrence
I know of the Storyteller, it whispers into the man’s ear, I’ve met him. If you promise not to kill me, I’ll take you to him.
Alix Andre DeBenit and Randall Fagan are Hunters, part of a hidden network of humans who track and kill the monsters lurking in our world so everyone else can pretend they don’t exist. But when a living shadow mentions someone called the Storyteller, Alix hesitantly decides to learn more.
They say the Storyteller lives in a massive library full of books that tell every being’s life story. He can read these books, rewrite them and change anything he wants, even if it’s already happened. That’s the power Alix wants, the power to bring his murdered family back and he’s determined to make the Storyteller do it.
He just has to decide if working with the very creatures he’s supposed to kill is worth it.
Purchase Links:
Amazon: Coming soon.
Create Space:
Etsy (signed copy with bonus):
Will be available on other online sites soon!
Author Websites:
Goodreads author page:
Main page for books, art, cosplay, and everything:
Young: What is your routine once you start writing a book?
J.W.: I generally bounce my ideas off Briana. It helps me get a better grasp on my thoughts and lay them out in a concrete way, so that I can start building a rough outline.
B.L.: I’ll make an outline, then I’ll have Jessica read over it, because she’s great to bounce ideas off of. She’ll add notes, and help me come up with ideas before I get into writing the story. Then, as I’m writing, I’ll send her little snippets of what I’ve done. It’s really great to get her input, because she helps me come up with things I would’ve never come up with.
Young: What about you in general? What is it that makes you tick? Makes you you? Things you like to do and what prompted you into writing?
J.W.: Outside of writing I’m a seamstress and specialize in dresses and costumes. I draw inspiration for that and writing from pretty much everything around me. So the part that makes me tick is just being able to be creative, in whatever I’m working on at the moment.
B.L.: I’ve always wanted to write. Something about creating these characters and worlds really spoke to me. I can’t really pinpoint why. I just really like being creative and turning my ideas into something that someone else can enjoy, whether it’s a book or art, anything really.
Young: Among your own books, have you a favourite book? Favourite Hero or Heroine?
J.W.: Hmm, well I currently only have this one out, so my view is a bit limited. I would have to say my favorite character in Seeking the Storyteller is Haven. Writing a character who's lived in our world most of his life but isn't familiar with it and has a protector that can never leave his side is an interesting dynamic to play with.
B.L.: Can I cheat and pick someone from each book?
Treat Me Kindly: I love everyone in the book, especially the exotic animals who turn human. They’re loyal to their masters until those masters hurt them. I have to give my favorite to Alex, the main character, because he’s the normal guy, the one who has to deal with this supernatural world. On top of that, he has to deal with the whole, “Are these creatures wrong in attacking these people who have hurt them?” And it’s not like these people did something small to hurt them, they caused serious damage, so can anyone really blame them? That’s what Alex has to deal with.
Double Hue: Avery, hands down. Avery is Gable’s boyfriend, and he’s definitely the loveable, geeky boyfriend who plays video games and reads fanfiction. I really had fun writing him, even if Gable has to deal with Avery dying over and over again until he can figure out how to stop it.
Seeking the Storyteller: It’s a toss up between Katalynne and Cyn. Katalynne is the secretary for the Hunters and is, again, one of those normal characters who doesn’t really do much fighting, but is really important to the group. As the series goes on, I’m looking forward to doing more with her. Then there’s Cyn, the girl with a huge attitude and a terrible past, but she deals with it with anger and sarcasm.
Young: Where do you see yourself in five years?
J.W.: Ideally, sewing and writing as my main occupation. Travelling to conventions to sell books and talk with fans. Honestly it’s a lot of what I’m doing now, just on a bigger scale.
B.L.: I agree. I want to be writing and have more books out, and be travelling to all sorts of conventions to get our work out there.
Young: What kind of research do you when writing one of your works?
J.W.: For writing urban supernatural we went to visit a lot of the places we mention in the book, to make sure we had them right and so people might have a hint of where we’re talking about, even if we don’t mention it by name.
B.L.: Also, for books like “Treat Me Kindly,” I researched rare, exotic animals, those that were extinct and those that were close to extinction. It all depends on the book and what it needs. I know Jessica researched rare flowers for “Storyteller” and we really do want to visit the places where the flower we use is, for example. It’s all part of that five year plan :)
Young: What does your significant other think of your writing?
J.W.: Well, she’s my coauthor, so I think she approves.
B.L.: Ha! Definitely approve :)
Young: Do you ever ask them for advice or ideas to go into your works?
J.W.: All the time! She’s the one I bounce ideas off of and discuss them with. Even if it’s a book we don’t ultimately write together, she at least has a part in the creation and probably the editing.
B.L.: Same with me! She’s a huge part of my process and who I talk to about everything, whether it’s an idea I have, or editing, she’s part of it all.
Young: Have you ever experienced Writer's Block? If so how did you work through it?
J.W.: I generally jump onto another project until my muses return to the original. It’s not worth trying to force them, so I try and work with them organically and nudge them back to what I want to write.
B.L.: When I have writer’s block I move onto something else. It’s really frustrating, for sure, especially if it’s an idea you’re really passionate about. But sometimes you need to take a break and come back to it with a fresh pair of eyes. If nothing’s coming to me, I close the tab and do something else.
Young: Who are some of your favourite authors to read?
J.W.: I have a few. Rachel Caine, Kim Harrison, Junjo Ito and Peter David are just a few.
B.L.: Jessica reads more than me, but I tend to get lost in manga and have a lot of favorite series. As far as books good, I’ve kind of rediscovered works like “Rubyfruit Jungle.”
Young: Lastly do you have any words of encouragement for unpublished writers?
J.W.: Just writing. Worry about the publishing and editing later, when you’re finished, but getting the story written is the first part. That and National Novel Writing Month is worth the stress - it’s a great tool to get stuff done!
B.L.: When you do reach the publishing stage, don’t get star struck. Do research on the publisher, if you decide to go that route with your work. It’s great to get that acceptance letter, but be sure to look into who the publisher is, what works they have, and see if you’re a good fit for them. Remember, the publisher is essentially working for you, and in return, your work boosts their name. Also be aware that the publisher can’t do everything. They will promote your work, but you have to promote it, too. The relationship between publisher and author should be a team. Same with author and editor.
Also realize that this is going to be a long road to travel, but if it’s what you want, it’ll be well worth it. Success isn’t going to come overnight, it’ll take time, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t see results right away. Just keep going, your time to shine will come :)
Seeking the Storyteller
Haven covered his ears as he heard the scream again, this time sounding even more desperate. He didn’t know what the humans were hearing, but to him it sounded like the girl was in physical pain, as if actually being attacked. Did they really hate demons so much as to let something like that continue? “Can’t you just let him calm her down so she stops screaming?”
Idiot. Don’t draw attention to yourself. His dragon’s voice echoed in his mind as the blond Hunter turned a look of disgust in his direction.
“You don’t need to be concerned about them. But you can tell us what happened to Xaver.”
“She’s screaming over there and you’re going to waste time interrogating him?!” Dox’s own voice was nearing the point of hysteria. Haven could see the shadows on the edge of his cell straining, struggling to do something for him, but whatever he was trying they weren’t responding, not able to help.
Haven. Don’t.
“This is stupid. I’m not going to sit here and answer questions while she’s screaming.” Haven muttered, closing his hands into loose fists. He could feel the cold sliding down through his arms, swirling in the small space between his fingers as it spun and gained speed.
Haven! Don’t be so rash!
“Shut up.”
Alix frowned, “Who are you talking to?”
The metal around his wrists was the first to go, cracking from the cold and sliding off his skin like thin sheets of paper. In seconds Haven was moving forward and shoving his hands hard against the two bars in front of him. At the same moment, the gathering balls of ice broke apart, the cold surging up the metal and freezing it to the core in a matter of seconds. The now weakened metal shattered like glass that danced across the floor in sparks and shards. The two Hunters were stunned and Haven used that split second to run across the floor and duck around the one with the gun. Guns took slightly longer than swords to aim and that difference was a blessing to Haven as Alix tried to recover and aim. Haven made it across the room and used a second ball of ice against the lock on the metal door, shattering it in the same way at the bars of his cell. Haven kicked it open and ducked inside as the bullets whizzed past his head, just narrowly missing.
He found the girl in the cell, curled up in the corner shaking as if she were having a seizure. Her hands were clenched around her head and she had pulled her body into the tightest ball she could make, still screaming and shaking her head back and forth, pleading with whatever she was seeing and hearing to
Haven stepped toward her and knelt down, forcing his hand to not be so cold as he lightly touched her shoulder, trying to wake her up.
You stupid boy, look out!
She moved at the touch, lashing out in his direction. Her eyes never opened but her body reacted, incorporating his touch into her dream as something she didn’t want. A hand and a kick flew in his direction and Haven jumped back out of reach, watching her with wide eyes. He knew the Hunters were probably at the door watching him, aiming their weapons, ready to fire. He knew he was being stupid and would probably get himself killed, but he couldn’t believe that someone would just let her scream like this.
To think that humans claimed that his kind were the vicious ones.
Stepping forward again he grabbed Cyn and wrapped his arms around her. There was something wrong with her skin. It felt too dry, almost scaly, and Haven suddenly remembered what Dox had said earlier. The girl had a demon inside of her, one that she could lose control of if she got too worked up. As if responding to his thoughts Cyn began thrashing in his arms, her screams turning louder, the fear shifting into anger. Her voice had a rougher edge to it, an animalistic growl that sounded deadlier with each yell. Haven could feel the ground shifting through the concrete, a soft hint of a rumble brushing against the walls.
In her dreams she was calling to the roots, begging for them to rescue her from this perceived threat. Haven did the only thing he could think of. He let the cold slide through his body and into hers as he restrained her arms.
The screaming stopped and the ground stopped shaking.
For a moment Haven had the horrible thought that he’d killed her, freezing her to death with a single careless thought in an effort to stop whatever she was seeing. However, a quick look at her chest as he loosened his grip revealed her shallow breathing. She was alive, at least, but Haven had given her enough cold for her teeth to start chattering and her lips to turn a tint of blue. He’d given her too much.
Briana Lawrence
At the age of nine, like most kids, Briana Lawrence had a dream. She wanted to be the best “WRITTER” in the whole wide world. Her fourth grade class laughed and wondered how one hoped to become a “writer” if they couldn’t even spell the word. Back then her stories were created with crayons and construction paper. As she grew older they progressed into notebooks and colored ink pens of pink, blue, and purple. When she lost her older brother, Glenn Berry, in a car accident, she stopped writing.
Dreams, however, have a funny way of coming back.
Before she realized it she was grabbing her notebook and pens again. She would write stories that ranged from high school romance to her imagination running wild with the likes of Goku, Vegeta, and the other characters of Dragonball Z. This continued throughout college where she would always end up writing about the space exploits of the pilots of Gundam Wing and other works of fan fiction. Soon she realized that she wanted to do more than that. Her head was full of ideas, full of original characters and worlds that she wanted to share with others.
Thus, she stepped into an English Major with some Women’s Studies on the side.
She graduated Iowa State University in 2006 and moved to Minneapolis with her partner. Here, she tried to get into graduate school, but things didn’t pan out the way she wanted. She ended up working retail, her dream becoming buried by Black Fridays and other busy times of year. Once again, however, that dream returned. She went from immersing herself in geeky fan fiction to actually writing about the geeky things she loved for several anime and video game review sites. However, it was her discovery of National Novel Writing Month that made her go back to creating her own characters and plots.
Now, here she is, an author in the writing world.
Jessica Walsh
My life is a flurry of writing, art and creativity. You can usually find me reading a book, scribbling notes in a notebook for future creations, typing on a laptop with music blaring in my ears or buried in my basement watching documentaries and sitting behind a sewing machine.
I’ve been writing for as long as I can remember and have boxes of old notebooks in horrible handwriting to prove it. Only recently have I stumbled back into writing and finishing my ideas.
Seeking the Storyteller is the first novel I’ve published; with my partner in crime and life, Briana Lawrence. I also write horror, fantasy, supernatural and occasionally romance pieces which I am currently shopping around through contests and publishers.
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